Monday 4 January 2016

Work Diary - Photo Documentary

Throughout the Christmas Holiday I worked on my Photo Documentary. Documenting which top I wore on each day and something that  I did on each day. I found this project really hard to keep up with because somedays I would simply forget that I needed to take a picture and then I would have to be reminded. Apart from that I really enjoyed the project. 

I created 2 different editing techniques one where the photograph of the top and the day are next to each other and one where the day is inside the shape of the top from that day. I liked both these edits as I feel like they work really well together. I like that they showed continuity throughout the set and that they all linked well together.

The set of photographs I took and the edits I created really documented my christmas break in a way that I really wanted to and was able to feel like the the person look at the photographs as a complete set and really understand what I did over the Christmas Holiday and really feel a part of it. 

I did create another set of photo where I only got rid of half of the top and then filled it in with the other picture of the day however this set was very hard to create and didn't quite work in the way I wanted it to. I didn't like it because you couldn't see enough of the day to really see what I did on that day and I feel like the set where I had got rid of all the top and placed the other photo in its place  worked better and clearly linked the photos together. 

To create the images where the day appears in the shape of the shirt I highlighted around the shirt leaving just the hanger then I rubbed out the shirt leaving a clear space before inserting the photograph of the day and placing in behind the shirt meaning that it looked like the day was in side the shape of the shirt from that day. 

Below is a  that I created that I really like. 

I like this photo because the composition of the day photo works really well in the shape of the T-Shirt. I like that you still see enough of the image to understand what I did on that day. I also like that the colour is vibrant and really stands out. The picture inside the top turned out really well considering I took it on my iPhone. I really like this editing technique and it looks really difficult it was actually very simple. The technique is very simple just selecting the whole top then rubbing it out before dragging the  other photo on to the picture and moving it to the background.   

Below is a photo that I created that I feel is the weakest from my set. 

I feel like this photo is my weakest because On Day 15 i decided to wait and take a photo while I was at my friends birthday party however I didn't realise how dark the hall was going to be and therefore I feel like this is the weakest photo in my set as you can't tell exactly what is happening in the photograph or what I did that day. I don't feel like you can clearly see what is in the photograph and this is means that the photo doesn't fit perfectly in the set, it fits in the set but not well as the picture isn't perfectly clear. 

1 comment:

  1. Grace as mentioned during the critique, I absolutely love this work, it is strong conceptually and is very creative.. You should again try to explain through screen prints how you created one example of this work...
