Tuesday 19 January 2016

Jeff Koons - Artist Research

Jeff Koons 
Born - January 21st 1955 
Known for - reproductions of banal objects 
Educated - School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore. 
Has had solo exhibitions since 1980
His most famous statue was shown at the Rockefella Centre and is now permanently in the Guggenheim Bilbao. 

I like this photograph as I think that the manipulation of the ballon dog works well and even though it does fit in with the location it still works well. I like that the manipulation looks realistic and therefore the photograph works really well. The use of the metallic effect on the ballon dog works well because if it was see through it wouldn't work as well as this does. I really like the look of the photograph and think that it works well because it looks like it belongs in the location that it is in. 

I like this image because the composition of the image as one of the animals is looking towards that camera and the other one isn't. I like the connotations that go along with the picture, suggesting that the these animals are trapped in cages and so therefore and being held captive. I like the background of the image has been left plain to really highlight the connotations of the piece. I also think that the fact that the only bright colours in the photograph are the animals because it makes them stand out and therefore draws the viewers attention to them right away. 

I like this image because it shows high levels of contrast because the main subject of the photograph is the hulk and then there are multiple blown up animals on it. The contrast is that the animals on the hulk are happy whereas the hulk looks angry. Again the composition of the photograph is well done and the hulk is in the centre of the photograph even though the piece is at an angle. I like that the photos composition has well planned out and pre-visuialistaion has been used in order to really show off the whole of the statue. 

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