Friday 15 January 2016

Work Diary - Landscape Photography Harlow

For  todays lesson we were tasked with going out and taking landscape photographs. I found this really hard as I didn't really like the sort of landscapes that could be taken in Harlow. I also struggled to take the photographs because it was really cold outside and i struggled to stand still and take the photographs because I couldn't feel my hands. Due to the bad weather I was unable to take lots of photographs but I was able to work with the ones that I had and create some good landscape photographs. I tried to make the image more vibrant in photoshop however this didn't work and I ended up turning the images black and white because I felt that they worked better like this than they did in colour. 

Below is one photo from the shoot that I like 
Camera Settings - 1/30 sec f/8 ISO 200

I like this landscape because it works really well in black and white. I like the framing of this photograph because you can see all the tops of the buildings and it gives a clear idea that the landscape is in a built up area and you can see that there is still some natural life in this built up area. I played around with the different colour channels in photoshop in order to get the desired effect within the photograph. I also like this photograph because I like the composition of it as it feature equal amounts of the road, buildings and the sky. 

I don't like this photograph as I feel like it as weak photograph and the composition of the photograph is bad. I don't like that the whole building is in the photograph and therefore I feel as though the composition is bad. I also feel like there is too much of the carpark in the photograph and therefore doesn't really show off the landscape that I was trying to photograph. 


I would like to go out an shoot more rural landscapes so I will find time to do that outside of collage and then I would also like to take landscape photographs while on our trip to London in order to show a really urban landscape. I would also like to look at ways to show off the landscapes in colour however I feel like it really works in Black and White. On the trip to London I would like to take landscape photographs in the dark to really show off the different lights in the sky in London. 

1 comment:

  1. good analysis and including the camera settings! I think that your images work well, ensure that you correct for comments like "I played around" its not very formal and does not explain technically what you did in Photoshop ensure you explain your use of the Back and white filter instead... if that's what you did when you were playing around... !
