Thursday 7 January 2016

Composite / Manipulated Photos

Ethical and Personal Issues

One ethical issue with manipulating images is that it can cause human distress as people may believe that the picture is real and they may begin to become scared of the image that has been created. This is important when manipulating images of animal as people may fear the animal that you have created.

Another ethical issue is if the photo is manipulated to the point where it creates a false image and people want to look like something that isn't real and something that they can not ever look like as the image is fake and isn't realistic. These false representation have lead to body issues and people harming their bodies in order to look the like an unrealistic version of their favourite celebrity. 

Personal View. 

I don't feel like image manipulation is wrong if there is something in the image that you don't like or something that your model doesn't like then I feel like it is okay to change however to manipulate the photo so much that it no longer looks like the original is wrong as it gives a completely false representation as this gives people something to aspire to which is completely false and unobtainable. 

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