Thursday 28 January 2016

Connecting Essay 5

The photograph above is from the internet.  This photograph uses an image within an image to show off exactly what is behind the woman in the photograph. In this photograph they have used a large frame in order to help show off the image that has been placed in the frame. The framing of the photograph is good because the woman isn't in the centre of the frame and is towards one side of the frame in order to keep the tall plant next to her in the fame. The editing matches as the image in the frame and the background together and links the whole photograph together well. 

The photograph above is a photograph that I took. In this photograph I used a phone in order to show what was behind the person in my shot and this was very hard due to the fact that the screen was so small and this meant that you don't notice what is wrong with the picture when you first look at it however when you take a closer you can see that what is exactly behind the actor where the phone has been placed.  

There are many differences between the photographs. One big difference between the photographs is the difference between the size of the frame and the bigger the frame is the better I think as you can see it more and notice what is wrong in the photograph and it is easier to match up the background picture to the rest of the photograph. Another difference between the pictures is the setting as they are set in different location and I feel that things like this this work better in a more rural location. The only similarity between the two pictures is that the frame reflects what is exactly behind the person that is featured in the photograph. 

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