Thursday 7 January 2016

Definition Post - Composite Images

The creation of a composite image is to transform a photograph into a desired image

In this photo the size of the person taking a photo has been manipulated to make it look like he is massive and the person is actually really small. 

In this photo the man mowing the lawn has been manipulated to make it look like he is really small and is shaving a mans beard. The manipulation of this photo has caused the photo to become surrealist. 

In this image the lightbulb and pear have been manipulated to look like they are one item and actually belong together. The photographer has even included the inside of the lightbulb in the pear to make it look even more realistic. 

This photo has a very strong meaning as it is like he is putting out days on his life by smoking. This photo uses photo manipulation to help people realise what smoking is doing. 

Personal Definition - Transforming a image to get a desired effect. 

1 comment:

  1. some good analysis here but I would challenge your definition of a composite image as this could also relate to any type of digital editing...
