Monday 4 January 2016

Comparison Henri Cartier-Bresson and Sally Mann - Artist Research

Both Henri Cartier-Bresson and Sally Mann take photos that show a clear story with the background being blurred. I like this style of photography however there is a difference in the stories that they tell. 

Henri Cartier-Bresson tends to show the relationship between people who don't spend very long together and only see each other in passing where as Sally Mann takes photos that appear to be family member and shows a clear and strong bond between the people in her photographs. Personally I like both styles of photography however I probably prefer the style of Henri Cartier-Bresson because I like the idea of taking a photo and giving the viewer multiple different possibilities of their relationship. I like knowing that there is some kind of relationship between them but I like leaving the opinion on the relationship up to the viewer of the photograph. 

Both these photographers take their photographs in black and white. I don't always like this style of photography but it works really well in all the photographs that I have analysed. The black and white effect gives the photographs a sense of innocence and really highlights the relationship between the people in the photographs as their relationship is the focus of the photograph and not the different colours that actually feature in the photograph. The lack of colour keeps the photograph natural and keeps the focus on the relationship. 

There are many similarities and differences between these photographers and I like both their styles and I feel like the different styles really suit their own type of photography. I like both different styles and feel like they really work for the different photographers. 

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