Tuesday 12 January 2016

Artist Research - Ansel Adams

Born - 20th February 1902 
Died - 22 April 1984 
Naturalist - Inspired by Yosemite National Park
Pre-Visualtion - visualising the photograph before you actually take the photograph. Something Ansel Adams was very good. 
Zone System - photographic technique for determining optimal film exposure and development. Developed by Ansel Adams and Fred Archer. 
Main Photograph Type - Mainly took photographs in black and white. 
Group f64 - Was a group of 7 photographers from San Francisco who all shared a similar photography style. Other members included Willard Van Dyke and Edward Weston. 

This image is of a urban area and is very simple. The composition of the photo has been well planned out to show both through the arch way but to also show the top of the second building. I like that even though there isn't much landscape in this photograph however I like that you can still see the type of area in which the church is place. The lack of background gives the viewer of the photo the idea that the church is in a very rural area and is on it own in the middle of no where. The picture shows depth and uses the idea of a leading line to draw the viewer into the picture. 

This photograph clearly shows the man-made in the natural. I like that the reflection creates a leading line to the bridge and then the bridge leads you to the mountain. I like that there is so many different types of nature with the lake, trees and mountain but then the bridge is still in the middle of the photograph. This photograph shows that even in this rural area there is still human presence and really gets under the idea of rural and urban and links them together in a very simple way. 

I like that this photo is taken from up high looking down the hills showing how far down the hills go. I like the there is a leading line throughout the photograph. The leading line goes throughout the photograph and draws you all the way in. There are very subtle and the tones continue all the way through the photograph. There are many different tones in the photograph and really links the whole photo together and therefore gives the idea of depths. The use of shadows also makes the picture seem very natural and as though nothing has been changed in the image. 

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