Friday 22 January 2016

Cedric Delsaux - Artist Research

Born in 1974
Created a series of images called Dark Lens. Dark Lens photographs introduced characters from George Lucas' Star wars into real life in the suburb of Lille Dubai in Paris. It is said to show how the perception of the city goes through the filter of fiction. 
First know for his advertising but is now widely know for his personal long-term series. 

I like this photo because the character in the scene fits really will and doesn't look out of place. The compostion of the photograph has been well planned out and I like that the character isn't in the centre of the picture so that it doesn't take over the whole photograph and the background can be appreciated along with the Star Wars character. The picture also works well because the colour of the ruins and the character are very similar and therefore they work really well together as it looks as if the character is part of the ruins.

I like this photograph because it looks like a beautiful landscape however there is something else going on in the distance. I like this because the object is barely visible and the viewer can only just about make out that the object is there. The composition of this shot has been well planned out and the position of the object in the photograph as well. The use of the leading line of the road draws the viewers attention to the object at the back of the picture. I like that the picture looks very basic and ordinary however there is something deeper going on in the background. 

1 comment:

  1. a very good post with evaluation of the images through the formal elements and composition, ensure you review the post for spelling 1 1!ike
