Thursday 28 January 2016

Connecting Essay 3

This photograph is taken from the Internet, showing the pattern on the floor. I found this photo while looking for inspirational photographs before going out and shooting pattern. This photograph also exhibits the decisive moment because if the photo had been taken at the right moment and if it had been taken at any other time the bike wheel might not have been in the photograph. The leading curved lines show off the calmness of the photograph and the fact that nothing else is happening in the photograph apart from the bike riding through.

Above is a photograph that I took. I decided to keep my image in colour because I felt it worked better due to the moss growing over the square tiles and the little bits of rubbish that have fallen between the cracks. My image used straight lines in order to show the direction of which the tiles are going and the straight lines to show direction. The pattern in my image is as clear as the pattern in the Internet image because it is clear and is the main focus of the whole photograph. 

One similarity between my image and the online image is that they are both of pavement tiles that has been used to show off the pattern on the floor. One thing that differs between the two pictures is that in my image the lines created by the tiles are straight however in the Internet image the tiles are curved which suggests different things to the audience. The curved lines in the online photograph suggest calmness and quietness where as the horizontal lines in my photograph represent strength and power. Another difference between the photograph is that in the photograph from the Internet includes a decisive moment with the bicycle going through the middle of the photograph where as in my own photograph there is no decisive moment as the main focus of the photograph is the pattern of the tiles. 

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