Thursday 7 January 2016

Work Diary - Composite Images

This lesson we learnt  a technique of how to manipulate photos to create something that isn't real. Originally I struggled with coming up with ideas of what to manipulate however once I created one I got the idea I was able to create them freely. I like creating this as I enjoy using Photoshop and seeing what I can come up with. I only created 5 images so below is one of the images that I created that I liked.

I really like this creation as it works well together and both components link well together. I like that it looks real even though it is clearly fake. I took a while to get the size of the person right but I like how it ended up looking. I think this works well and really shows off the idea of photo manipulation and how it can work well together.  This is favourite creation because I spent a lot of time on it and I feel like it works really well together. 


I would like to create more photo manipulations but using my own photographs as I feel it is hard to create manipulations when you don't really know the photo and when you have to spend a lot of time looking for the photo which you want. I would also like to create more complex manipulation with more parts. 

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