Tuesday 26 January 2016

Connecting Essay 1

Above is a photo joiner of a room. It is obvious that the photograph is made up of numerous different images and these images have been placed together to show the room however they don't fit together perfectly as they aren't lined up and aren't straight. In this photo joiner a wide-angle lens has been used to give a complete view of the room around the computer. This image has used multiple different images in order to give a different effect and the fact that nothing lines up really gives the idea that the image isn't correct and this works well with this image. 

I also chose to do a photo joiner of a room in my image. In my image I have used fewer images however I have used them at more varied angles to give a wider range of photographs and this also shows off the fact that the image doesn't fit together perfectly as there are parts of the image sticking out of the top and bottom. In my image the images are different sizes, which helps to really show off the fact that the images are joined together. My photo joiner was a lot simpler than the other image because I used fewer images and larger images however I feel that my photo joiner works better due to the fact that they match in better and it looks more like the original image. 

There are multiple similarities between the pictures the main ones being that they are both photo joiners and are both of rooms. However there is one main difference between the images and that is the size of the photo. In my own photo joiner I used all different sized photographs to get the effect I desired where as in the other photo joiner the images are all this same size and don't fit well together due to colour changes and the fact that lines within the photograph are not lined up well. The lining up of images in my photo joiner appears to be more precise than in the other photos as I have tried to line them up where as in the other one it doesn't line up very well. 

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