Thursday 28 January 2016

Connecting Essay 4

In the picture above the photographer has used the pre-visualisation technique to see exactly what the photograph will look like when it has been taken and has spent a lot of time making sure the camera is in the right place in order to get the right effect. The photographer has used the depth of the car door in order to really show off the scene that is being reflected in the mirror.  Also the editing that has been used has made the scene in the window stand out and you can really appreciate the different colours in the scene and the editing has also helped to be able to see exactly what is being reflected in the window.

Above is a photograph that I took. I applied less editing to the window of my car to keep the car seats in the background and therefore keeping it cleat that the window was on the car. I kept the colour in my photograph because I think that it really showed off the season in which the photograph was taken in which was Autumn and I keep the colour in the photograph to help show this off.

The pictures are very similar with the fact that they both reflect scenes in the window of cars. Both pictures have been edited to make the scene in the window stand out and make the scenes in the window very clear. One difference between the pictures is that in my photograph I haven't included the whole of the window in the photograph were as in the top photograph they have included the whole window in order to really show off the whole of the scene.  Also in the top picture you can really clearly see the reflection in the window where as in my own photograph the scene isn't that clear and you can still see the inside of the car.

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