Thursday 7 January 2016

Image Bank - Composite Images

I like this photo because the manipulation of the size of the baby has been really well done. It looks extremely realistic and looks like the baby naturally fits there and that is where it belongs. I like this photo because even though you know that the baby doesn't belong there you can't help but feel like the picture is perfect. The size manipulation has worked really well and therefore the photo works well as a whole. The photo is very simple to highlight the manipulation of the photo and to make it clear that something has changed in the photo.

I like this photo because it has been manipulated and given a slightly eerie effect as the umbrella is standing up on its own. The image has been manipulated to look like this in the setting with the bird resting on the umbrella like it is. I like this image because the manipulation is very subtle and simple and therefore I like this photo because all the elements are linked together correctly and nothing looks out of place. 

In this photo the swimmers have been manipulated to look as if the starting blocks are the keys on the piano. In this image the manipulation is clear as people are to large to dive of piano keys. I like this because it gives an idea of surrealism as people are not really this size.  I like that in this photo everything works perfectly and fits together even though the things would never fit together in real life. 

I like this photograph as it has been manipulate in to something that makes no sense as you can not have a person doing butterfly in the middle of the road. This photo has been manipulated very well and appears very natural. I like that this photo really does defy all odds as people would never believe that they could see this but now they can. I like that this photo is well edited and the water seems to go back a long way and look like it goes on for miles just like the road. 

I like how the ship has been put inside the bottle and gives the ship in a bottle saying a whole different meaning. I like the attention to detail that has been put in to the editing with the ship under the sea. I like that the ship fits perfectly in the bottle and I also like that the bottle is actually on the sea and it looks like it is going to get taken out to sea at some point.

I like this image because it is extremely simple yet works so well. It looks like her body is missing because you can see exactly what is behind her. I like that it appear that her body is missing and it really does look like that because the edit has been done so well. I have created images like this before and really enjoyed creating them as I feel like they work together particularly well.

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