Monday 4 January 2016

Image Bank - Photo Documentary

In this photo-documentary the person has documented the life of a farmer and his animals. I feel that this documentary works well and really helps to show off his life and what he does on a regular basis. I feel that the black and white keeps the photographs simple and clean. I feel that this really shows off his life and really documents the way in which he lives his life and the simplistic way in which he leads his life. I think the fact that there are multiple images in this set also shows a lot of his life and things that he does. There is a common theme through out the images that is the man and a goat in the image somewhere. 

In this documentary the lives of animals and is shown through the different images shown in the two images. The images show where the meat comes from and what it looks like. This documentary really shows the lives of the animals and really shows that the animals go through to get to certain points in their lives. This has also documented the animals that are special to certain farmers and how the same animal can be different to different people. This documentary look good in colour and the bright colours work well together to highlight the fact that the images are to do with the outdoors and the colours really show off the difference between the animals and the humans. 

 In this documentary the lives of people in a town in Germany. In this set the photographer has documented people and their lives in their town. The photographer has kept the background tone very similar to the colour of their clothes. In this documentary the photograph has documented each person but also groups of people that look similar and appear to be relatives. The images all link together well to show a clear set of images documenting the people who live in the village in Germany, the people have been photographed and it give a slight hint as to the kind of people that they are. This documentary is very different and I might like to create one similar to this documenting the lives of my family.

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