Thursday 14 January 2016

Image Bank - Landscape Photography


I really like this photograph because the colours are exaggerated and therefore really show off the bright colours. It uses a leading line to draw the viewer into the photograph and helps them to see all the different colours. I like that the colours are bright and vibrant and the contest of colour between the rocks and the sky. I like that this landscape is all natural there is nothing man-made in the photograph or any people and this can keep the photograph as a natural landscape. 

I like this photo because the colours are vibrant and stand out and make the buildings stand out more and more. I like the composition of the photograph because you can see a lot of the London skyline and you can really appreciate every building in the skyline. I like that even though the landscape is taken from far away you can still pick out some of the more famous buildings in the landscape. I also like that the colours are still as vibrant when reflected in the river featured in the photographs.

I like this because the truly shows how urbanised the area is. The colours are all very similar and there aren't really any bright colours, the sky is also a similar colour to everything in the picture. I like that the landscape continues deep into the background of the photograph and that you can still clearly see the buildings for a long way into the picture. This picture still gives off a sense of hustle and bustle even though there are no people shown in the photograph.

I like that in this photograph is in black and white and I like the range of different tones that feature in the photograph. I like that the picture is relatable to everyone as everybody has seen a road like this or lives on a road like this. I like that it is very dark but still really shows off what is in the photograph. I like that the picture depicts natural life without actually showing anyone in the picture. The picture style suggests that it is New York as this is a kind of style used in New York.

I like this because this is a combination of both rural and urban landscape. I like how both are equally represented within the photograph.  I like that the yellow haze over the top gives the idea the it is either sunrise or sunset and adds a very natural look to the photograph. I like that the colours at the front of the photograph are vibrant but further back the yellow haze takes over and therefore the colours become more muted and no vibrant.

I like that this photograph is black and white however you can still see what season it is and you can still appreciate the weather In the photograph. I like that this is completely natural and there is no human life featured in the photograph. I like composition of the photograph and that the lone tree is not in the centre of the photograph and therefore draws the viewer into the photograph.

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