Friday 22 January 2016

Work Diary - Forth Plinth Object

In preparation for our 4th Plinth project, this week we were tasked with the object we would be placing on the 4th Plinth. Once they were photographed we were tasked with creating image using the images that we had taken. I really enjoyed this task because I like working on photoshop and enjoy learning new techniques and trying to create the perfect image. 

Below is an image that I really like

I like this image because it looks realistic while still having a sense of humour about it. I like this image because it took me a while to get right and to make the puddle look realistic. However I really like this image because once I had got the look right it looked very real and as though the bird had always been there. It took me a while to get the reflection in the puddle right but once I did I was happy that I had worked at it and made it look good. 

Below is an image that I don't like 

Don't like the image because I feel that it is unclear what the animal on the post is. I thought the animal would well due to the fact that it is a similar colour to the sign in the photograph. I think that the image would work better if the animal was bigger and therefore you could actually see what the animal was. I also think the image would work better if I had used the colour version of the image as the image is my own and I could have used the colour version of it. 


The next step is to take photographs of the plinth and other places around London in order to create more images like these. I will also look more at the objects that I have photographs in order to make a clear plan of what I shall photograph during our trip to London.

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