Monday 18 January 2016

Work Diary - Landscape Photography Snow

On Sunday morning when I woke up there was a sprinkling of snow and I decided that this would be the perfect time to take landscape photos as the snow wouldn't last forever. My mum drove me around for around for about an hour going to different yet local places so I could find the best landscapes to take photos of. The aperture of the photograph has effected the depth of field in the image below I have used a high aperture in order to create a wide depth of field as this has worked better in a landscape photographs. 

Below is a photo that I like 

I like the composition of the photo. I like you can see the road clearly and then in the distance you can see the town. I like the editing in the photo and I think that the photograph worked well in black and white. I played around with the colour channels to get the desired effect and then I played around with the level to get a complete contrast. I like the road in the picture because I feel like the tyre marks show that life continues even in the differing weather conditions. 

Below is a photo that I don't like 

I don't like this photograph because I feel like it shows off the landscape very well and the colours are very plain and bland. I feel like this is one of the weakest photographs that I took and I feel like it doesn't really show off the landscape even through you can see into the distance. I also don't like the framing as I feel that the branch should have been further to the left of the shot.


I would like to take landscapes in a variety of weather setting to use different camera techniques and to help improve my landscape photography skills. I also want to take photos of the landscape in London to get some urban landscape photographs. I would also like to experiment with different aperture settings to see the difference in landscape. 

1 comment:

  1. good images and evaluation, wrt to the landscape work diary post please define the aperture used and how this links to the depth of field within the photograph.. the image incidentally looks good perhaps you could add it to your best 30 images..
