Sunday 3 January 2016

Henri Cartier-Bresson - Artist Research

Henri Cartier-Bresson was a French photographer considered the master of candid photography, and an early user of 35 mm film. 

Born - 22 August 1908 
Died - 3 August 2004     

Henri Cartier-Bresson created the idea of the decisive moment. This suggests that the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as the precise organisation of form which gives that event its proper expression. 

Henri Cartier-Bresson created Photo Documentaries of many different things. 

Below are 3 of his photos that I have analysed 

I  like this photo because the people are completely unaware that the photo is being taken and I really like that style of as I feel like it gives the photo a more natural feel to it as it is not posed or forced. I like this photo because it displays the decisive moment as if the photo had been taken a moment. I like even though the key decisive moment is in the front there is also one going on in the back because if the picture had been taken any later the car and the bike wouldn't be in the background. 

I like this photo because of the depth shown in the photo and the decisive moment is clear. I like this decisive moment is very meaningful as the children appear to be looking at a very interesting thing and the leading line in the middle makes you look all the way to the centre of the photograph not only looking at the shape of the swirl but also all of the children making up the swirl. I like this decisive moment because children are very hard to photograph and if it had been taken a second later some of the children may not have been looking at the camera and then the photo wouldn't have worked at all. 

I like this photo because it shows a clear decisive moment because any later and the person wouldn't have been crossing the bridge, the moon man not have been visible and the boat may not have been in the right place. This photo works well because it not only shows a decisive moment but because it also shows movement through the boat and the person on the bridge. 

I like all the photos however they are not the types of photos which I would take I like photo that are a part of a set and I don't feel like these all fit together even though they all show a decisive moment. I also prefer photographs that are in colour and the fact that these are in black and white may be the reason for why I don't like them. 

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