Friday 27 November 2015

Work Diary - Portraiture Location

I missed the lesson on Thursday afternoon however I was told that the lesson was to do with taking portraiture outside. For this shoot I decided to take photos of my Grandad because he has a very interesting face because of the wrinkles and creases in his face. I feel like he made an interesting subject because I took a younger person in the studio I wanted to contrast this with someone from an older generation to see the different ways in which they could be photographed and if they are different in anyway. I also decided to try and use some different and interesting editing techniques to make the photos look even more interesting.  The editing techniques that I used were very simple however I used them in a interesting way to make the portrait look interesting. I changed some of the photos or bits of the photo to black and white to helps show the age of my Grandad and show that when he was first born he would have been photographed in black and white but now he can be photographed in colour.

Below is an edited photo from the shoot that I like
Camera Settings - 1/125 sec f/4.0 ISO 320

 Camera Settings - 1/125 f/4.0 ISO 280 
I like this photo because the editing worked really well and I enjoyed spending the time making the split in the photo as equal as I could I also really like the photo I feel like it was taken at a good angle and the expression on his face is very natural and not forced making him seem more relaxed in the photo and I like this look because I personally do not like photos that are being posed for and I feel like the editing works well with the photograph.

Below is a photo from the shoot that I don’t like

Camera Settings - 1/80 sec, f/4.5 ISO 400 

I don’t like this photo because it is not a portrait photo as it is taken landscape. I also am not happy with a the framing as I think the background looks rather flat and all one colour I prefer the photos where the shed if featured in the background as I feel that the shed gives the photo some depth and really helps add to the colour of the photo. I also don’t like this photo because I had decided to use the flash on my Grandad and it blinded him causing him to make a strange face which I do not like.


If I were to go out and reshoot portraiture outside I would like to have someone who is old and someone who is young together in order to make a really interesting portrait to show the difference between the ages of the subjects and look at different editing techniques for the photos. I would like to learn more editing techniques so I can continue to improve my photos.

1 comment:

  1. strong images again, wrt to the camera settings the reason why you are asked to post them is so that you can explain your creative decisions in talking the photograph fro example the f stop, why did you choose the f stop of 4.0, you need to explain this as this will demonstrate your technical skill in photographing subjects... (refer to the depth of field studies if you are unsure)
