Thursday 12 November 2015

Work Diary - Depth 2

In todays lesson we were asked to again go out and shot depth again. I enjoyed this because the weather was very different and I knew I would be able to manipulate the colours in the sky to make the different colours more visible. I also enjoyed it more because i already have an understanding of depth so was able to look at things and really see if the contained depth.

Below is a photo from the shoot that I do like 

I like this photo because it really it really shows depth but in a very different way because it is the distance between someones feet and their head. I like this because you can't really see where his head ends so it gives a vanishing point and really draws the viewer in and give them a leading line to follow and really keep their interest.

Below is a photo from the shoot that I don't like 

Originally I really liked this photos however when I revisited it I didn't like it. I don't feel that the depth in the photo is very clear and you can't see the different colours. I think that this would have been better from a different angle and if the cone had a light at the end of it because it isn't very obvious that there is an empty space at the end on the cone 

If I were to go out and shoot depth again I would focus on other angles and different lighting. I would also look at different editing technique to really help the depth shine and really show off the angle at which the photo has been taken. I would like to learn more editing techniques to really help improve my photos and make them really stand out. 

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