Thursday 19 November 2015

Straight Images - Photojoiner

The images that I created for this topic are very similar to ones that I researched when completing my image bank. I feel that by having a clear base of images that  I had looked at allowed me to understand the way in which to make them  successful. In some off them I pushed the composition more than others as I used some images that weren't straight and this challenges the composition of it as I was trying to make them all match them all up in different ways in order to make the image look interesting and highlight the fact that it is multiple different images laid over the top of each other in order to created a new and interesting image. Some of them worked better than others, I feel that the ones of people didn't work that well as it was hard to match up the images and make it look like the person whereas in the others it was rather simple and worked effectively. 


  1. these images are really good.... I think you should add some annotation on the visual outcomes, in what way are the images close to the images you have researched? how far have you pushed the composition from the original image?

  2. note the above comment you have not responded to it...
