Tuesday 17 November 2015

Definition Post - Photojoiner

Joiner -  are a photographic technique in which one picture is assembled from several overlapping photographs. This can be done manually with prints or by using digital image editing software

 This photo is a joiner of a ladies face where multiple images of different sizes, that have been placed over each other to recreate her face. 

In this photo a landscape has been recreated through the use of different photos. The photo is not all filled in and isn't a perfect shape and the photos are all at different angles.

I like this photo because the images of the street are used to recreate the street and the shops that run along side the street. The images are all different sizes and at different angles give the street a sense that it is all there.

I like this photojoiner because it contains both a street and a person meaning that there are more than the one thing to consider when creating the joiner and making the photo look okay. 

Personal Definition - a photo that is created out of little images all laid over the top in order to create the whole image.

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