Thursday 5 November 2015

Work Diary - Movement

During the lesson on Thursday we were asked to go out and shoot movement. We spent the beginning of the lesson learning about shutter speed and aperture in order to get the best photograph that you can. Going out and taking photos on Thursday was hard because it was raining so the lens kept getting wet and in a lot of the photos there are rain spots on them however often the were in the same direction as the movement so worked well. 

Below is a photo from the shoot that I like
Camera Settings - 0.8 sec f/22 ISO 160

I like this photo because it clearly shows the movement. I edited this photo to make the lights look brighter and help show the direction of movement. I like that it is just there at the edges of the photo and in the middle it is clearly there and you can't see through it. I like this photo because it is so simple and the movement is so clear yet it works so well and the bright read lights really just add to the movement of the photo 

Below is a photo from the shoot that I don't like 

I don't like this photo because the whole photo is out of focus. This is because at the time the photograph was taken it was beginning to rain and I wasn't concentrating on the photo completely. It would have made a really good photo if my full attention had been on the photo and not on other things at the time that the photo was taken. 


If I were to go out and shoot movement again I would focus on the movement of people as I wasn't able to get these very well last time due to the weather and the lack of people that were out at the time. I would also try to get a clear photo of a car on the road with a blurred background. 

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