Thursday 19 November 2015

Work Diary - Photojoiner

Below is a photo from the shoot that I do like 
This week we were tasked with creating photojoiners. On Tuesday we were tasked with photographing small ones of people in the studio  and of small things outside and then on Thursday we were tasked with creating a landscape joiner however due to the rain we had to do this inside. I found this easier than expected because the editing process was a lot simpler than I had imagined it would be considering how complex they look. 

Below is a photo joiner from the lesson that I like  

I like this photo joiner because it was hard to make it look like a complete plant. I like that this photo has a gap in the photo and that one of the photos sticks out at the top making it clear that it is a photo joiner. I like this joiner because even though photos were quick and simple to take but the amount of time I spend resizing the images and making them look like a plant was well done by the way that the picture now looks.

Below is a photo from the shoot that I don't like 

I don't like photo because I don't feel that it works well I don't like the fact there is so little to photograph yet it doesn't line up and the doesn't look good. I don't like it because nothing really lined up well or really fitted together meaning that it didn't work that well. I also don't like this photo because half way through someone walked down the corridor meaning I had to move out they way and lost my position meaning that I had guess where I was standing in order to take the photographs. 


If I was to create more photo joiners I would like to have go at faces again because I feel that these were my weakest photo joiners and I would like another chance to create these. I would look at photo joiners of faces before taking the pictures to understand exactly how they work and take similar photos. I would also like to do a bigger photo joiner with a lot more photos in it to see how hard or easy they are 

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