Tuesday 17 November 2015

Image Bank - Photojoiner

I like this image because all the photos are straight yet clearly overlap each other. I like the layout of the photo because the photographer has clearly focused on making the wheel join up and no on whether the floor matches up. I like it because it shows clearly that lots of images that have been laid over each other and I like that all the photos show different light and angles and I like how they are all different angles really showing off the shape of the floor. This has been joined together so there are no gaps in the pictures creating a whole image.

I like this image because the all the images have been edited to make the clouds different colours and so is the building. I like that the colour has been changed. I like that this image is isn't the complete shape and there are corners missing and pieces sticking out. I that even though the images are overlapped yet they still line up perfectly but you can still that it is overlapped due to the editing.  

I like this because all the photos were taken on a Polaroid camera and position in this way in order to show the movement. I like that the images don't overlap and that the the gap in between the photos isn't equal, this loots almost rushed even though you can tell that it is taken the photographer a long time to photograph. 

I like that in this photo a lot of the photos have been turned to different angles in order to make the picture complete. I like that there are still gaps in the picture it suits the style well. I also like the on some of the photos you can only see a tiny part of it and most of it is hidden by other photos. 
I like the photo looks very simple yet you can tell that a lot of work has gone into it to make it look ass impressive as it can. 

I like this because it is of a person. I think that people look very effective in photo joiner pictures. I like that it isn't perfect and doesn't all fit together perfectly as I feel that this looks better. I like that whole background hasn't been filled in that it has been left as just him and not a lot of what is around him. I like that you can tell the photos were taken over time because you can see his hand by his side and by his mouth showing that this wasn't just one photo taken cropped down and the pieced back together. 

I like this photo because it a longer landscape and you can really tell that the photographer spent a lot of time choosing the right location in order to get the most effective photo what would really show the photographer would like. I like this because there are a lot of people around and you can't really see the different pictures and this shows that the photographer has really looked at how the photos all fit together. 

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