Tuesday 10 November 2015

Work Diary - Depth

In todays lesson we were tasked with photographing depth both in the studio and outside on location. This task was made easier by the fact that before we went out and shot we learned about aperture priority mode which really made the task easier. Without this information I feel this task would have been much hard and the photos wouldn't have been as good as I feel they are. I don't think that I would have been able to capture depth very well without the knowledge of aperture. 

Below is a photo from the shoot that  I do like
Camera Setting - 1/125 sec f/5.6 ISO 200

I like this photo because her hand and the camera lens are in focus but the girl holding it is not which really shows the distance between her hand and her face. I also like it because even though she isn't in focus she isn't too blurred that it can not be determined as to what is is. The blur is very subtle yet you know that it she is blurred and that the camera lens is in focus. I like this photo because the depth is very clear and well shown. 

Below is a photo from the shoot that I don't like 

I don't like this photo because I lost the rest of the path which was what I was trying to capture to show depth. I think it would show depth better if more of the stepping stones could be seen because the depth would have followed the path through the photograph. I also think this photo could look better ing the background was a little bit out of focus. 

If I were to go out and shoot depth again I would try to use the tripod because I feel I would be able to look at the focal point of the photo and have a look at the different f stops and shutter speed. I would also try to go to a different location and find different ways in which to show depth. I would also like to spend more time in the studio perfecting depth in the studio. I would also like to take more photos containing people 

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