Tuesday 10 November 2015

Image Bank - Depth


This photo shows a very shallow depth of field because the front ball is in focus however the rest of the photo is out of focus however it is still easy to see what the background is as it is still quite clear and can be easily defined as it is a well known location and the only location you would really find the subject of the photo. I like this photo because the line of balls that get less and less in focus really shows the depth of the photo and that a small depth of field has been used. 

I like this photo because the bulb closest to the camera isn't in focus yet the next one along is in focus and is the only photo in focus. I like that the bulbs become less and less in focus as they go along the line. I like the different colours used in the and how much the bulbs in the back ground aren't in focus year still show that they are shining 

I like this photo because there is a clear depth with a clear vanishing point leading the main point of the  photograph. This shows depth well and really highlights the depth of the photo. The vanishing point adds to the depth of the photo and the use of a white light as the point of depth to really give the idea that the stair case is on going.

I like this photo because the boat is clear yet the background and the pebbles in the foreground are both out of focus. I like that the pebbles in the foreground are blurred because the really shows the distance between the boat and the camera and that the focus point of the photo has been changed as the camera focus would have probably been on those pebbles and I like the fact that they aren't. 

I like this photo because the teddy bear is in focus and the background is so blurry that it is nearly impossible to tell exactly what the background but you can  guess that the background is somewhere you would find a child. I like this photo because there are very few colours that are clear and they are all very similar in their shades. 

I like this photo because the photo the foreground is in focus and the rest of the picture is very blurry. I like that the front flower is really clear and you can see all the little details on the middle of the flowers yet you can barely separate the flowers in the background. I like how blurry the background is and how the background contrasts the front flowers.

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