Tuesday 24 November 2015

Image Bank - Portraiture

I like this photo because the facial expression adds to the theme of the photograph and really shows off the mood of the photo. I like the fact that the image is well lit and bright and there is a clear contrast between the colour of his shirt and the background colour. I like this photo because it is a really clear portrait and you can really see is facial expressions and it really adds to the tone of the photograph. 

I like this portrait because the pose that the guy is doing it extremely simple but works well because even though he is smiling he has a mysterious look about him because of the angle at which he is photographed.  The contrast of colour also works well and gives an air of mystery to the photo. The lighting of the photograph is bright and allows you to see all the sides of his face well as the lighting has been well placed. 

I like this portrait because the subject is not looking the camera and doesn't even appear to know that the photo is being taken. I like that you can see what he is looking in is glasses yet you can't work out exactly what he is looking at. I like that this photo isn't it the studio because I feel like it give you a better idea as to what he is looking at. 

I like this photo because it a portrait photograph that has been taken as a landscape. I like this photo because it is a young and shows the innocence in the photograph as the boy is all on his own and looks hurt adding to the innocence. The fact that you can't see his expression and he isn't looking at the camera means that it is hard understand exactly how he is feeling and what he is doing this adds an air of mystery to the picture because you don't really know what is going on.

This is a very simple photograph yet is it extremely effective as she is looking directly down the middle of the lens and it looks like she is looking directly at the person looking at the photograph. The portrait is clear and I like that the background is blurred and this also helps her stand out and makes it clear that the photo is all about her. 

I like this photo because it is a really dark and shaded photo of the lady and the dark tones add to the feeling of hurt and sadness which is also shown through the plaster on her face. I like that the photo is taken side on and really shows off the emotion in her face as it can be seen through both her eyes and her mouth. I like that photo has a dark background as it really makes her stand out and adds to the tone of the photo. 

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