Saturday 7 November 2015

Work Diary - Movement Home

Our homework for this week was to continue to shoot movement so on Saturday Night I went out and took photos with an extended shutter speed of cars on a motorway, light traces and fireworks. I wasn't able to get that many of the fireworks as they came very suddenly and then not at all for ages. I used shutter times of up to 15 seconds to try and get the best light trace I could on the motorway.

Below is one photo from the shoot that I liked

Camera Settings - 8.0 sec f/36 ISO 320

I like this photo because it really shows movement and shows the direction of the movement and it features through out the picture giving a complete sense of movement. I like the editing that I used on the photo as I was able to make the colours of the lights brighter and more vibrant. The editing really adds to the idea of movement. 

Below is a photo from the shoot that I don't like 

In this photo I was trying to capture fireworks however the fireworks just stopped meaning that I didn't get the shot I was looking for. I didn't realise that the fireworks were going to stop and mean that I wasn't going to get the shot I wanted. I don't like this photo because it doesn't show movement very well at all. 


If I were to go out and shoot at home again I would try to go and shoot at the motorway during rush hour to try and get lots of lights on the road and I would like to have loads of different lights on the road. I would also like to shoot light traces but on a completely black background to really make the light trace pop. 

1 comment:

  1. some good analysis of movement here, particularly wrt to analysing the shutter speed and how this affects "motion blur"
