Tuesday 6 October 2015

Work Diary- Tone

The formal element for Tuesdays Morning session was Tone. I got a rather good idea of what tone was and the kind of places to go in order to find the best photographs to take to capture tone in its best form. during the lesson we also worked in the studio of the first time and were able to photograph items in the studio under a light, this allowed me to try different angles and different heights at which to take the photo. 

Below is an edited photo from the shoot. 

Camera Setting - 1/125 sec f/5.6 ISO 360

I like this photo because in black and white all the different tones and the small amount of natural light that was around on the day makes the tones really stand out. I also like this photo because of the human form in it. The use of different forms and depths help add to the tone. I like this photo because   the natural light is not to much but is just enough to help add different shadows to the photo to really show off both the tone and the form of the person in the photograph 

Below is a photo from the shoot that I don't like. 

I don't think this photo shows tone particularly well, I feel like this shows of form and wouldn't give me the desired effect that should be got through tone. I feel like this picture didn't give justice to the different tones that could be seen within real life.  When I took this photo during the shoot there was so many different tones but when I looked back at the photo it didn't do it justice and that is why I don't like this photograph. 


If I were to go and reshoot tone I would try to take more pictures that include people as i feel that are able to really show of the different tones within them. I would also try to take photos in a more forrest  settings as i feel like these settings would offer more tones. I would also like to shoot in the studio to help me improve on my angles and the height I take photos from in each of my photos. 

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