Tuesday 6 October 2015

Image Bank - Tone

This photo uses the tone to show off the detail on the lid of the cola bottle and around the lid. I like this photo because it really shows of the different features of the bottle. The use of tone in this photo really shows off the brands name and the dark colours all around it really make the colours stand out and the white makes the words stand out and capture the eye of the viewers and instantly draws their attention to the main subject of the photo.

I like this photo because I really like portraiture and photographs of people and I also really think this shows of lots of different tones. These tones have been created by the outfit she is wearing. The way her hair is flying across her face adds to the tones as it creates shadows on her face and the angle at which she is sitting also adds to the tone in the photograph as it changes the tone of her hair from the light coming in from the right. 

I like both of these photos because they both use a light flower and a dark background really highlights the form of the flowers and the dark background adds a completely different tones to the picture. In the photo with multiple flowers there are many different tones on the flowers because of how they all overlap and are all in different lights. In the photo with a single photo where one petal is missing it allows the tone of the inside of the of the flower through the gap in the petals.

I like this photo because the light source is in the picture and this gives the viewer the chance to see all of the tones from white to black as the light is white but in the right corners of the photo of the photo is pure black and this shows all of the different tones. This shows of all different tones that any tone photo might go through.

This photo use a light above the subject but also places the camera below the subject of the showing the tones of underside of features of the statue such as under the nose. Tone is also shown in this photo because of the wear and tear on the statue. I like this photo because even though the whole of the statue isn't in the picture you can still tell exactly what the statue is and what it looks like. 

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