Tuesday 20 October 2015

Image Bank - Reflection

I like both of the photos featured above. I like the use of the puddles as a way to show reflection. In the  top photo I like the fact the the relocation has been kept in the puddle but then only the shoes are where the reflection is coming from. I really like this technique and think it is really clever. I like the fact the shoes have been placed in exactly the right position of there shadows. I like the top photo because it is a really different way in which to show off the reflection in the photo. I also really like the second photo because the reflection is exactly what we can see at the top of the boy. I slanted angle of the photo has been well used because it has been taken at this angle to really show off the relocation and get it at the angle where the reflection is at the exact angle of the body that is on show in the picture . 

I like this photo because it is very simple and clear. The base of the photo is very simple and really allows the reflection of the sky to be show. I like the fact that the reflection is clear yet the background is blurry and unclear. The photo looks like it has been taken through the glass as a way in which to make the colours clearer and as a way to really enhance the image. The image would be really simple to recreated and makes a really nice clear image. 

I like this image because the reflection is just a straight reflection of what the mirror can see the reflection is very simple and clear straight. The mirror is well placed in the mirror because it is hiding her body and the reflection makes it look almost like you are looking straight through her. It is as if the picture is an optical illusion. I really like this image and would like to try and create something like this in the studio maybe. 

I like this image because the relocation has been manipulated to be in colour and really shows off the reflection and the detail in the reflection.  I like photos that contain colour manipulation because I think that it really shows the detail of the clouds and the different colours make it stand out. The back and white background really helps the different colours stand out and show exactly what the image is trying to show. 

I put this image in my image bank because it is clear and shows a clear reflection of the building and everything around it. The fact that the colours all transfer into the reflection really shows off the detail on the reflection and how well each bit has reflected in to the water and the reflection is clear and crisp which is extremely clear and well presented.

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