Thursday 15 October 2015

Work Diary - Studio Shape

In Tuesdays afternoon lesson we were asked to bring in something to take shape photos of in the studio. So in todays lesson I took the photos in the studio. i was originally going to take photos of a ring however this developed into trying to find different ways in which to photograph the rings and other things that came with the ring. 

Below is one photo from the shoot that I liked.
Camera Settings - 1/80 sec f/5.6 ISO 100 

I like this photo because it really shows off the shape of the bow and all the different curves and and shape of the bow ears. I like this photo because it really shows off the shape of the knot in the middle of the bow. I like this photo because the shadow adds to the shape of the bow and makes the shape appear 3D even though the picture is 2D. 

Below is a photo from the shoot that I don't like.

I dont like this photo because the actual shape is not in focus or completely in the frame of the photo. I really liked the photo but i can not use it because it is out of focus and the shape that I was trying to photograph isn't completely in the shot. I also don't think that this angle really did show off the shape of the ring very well. 


If I was to go in the studio and snooty shape again I would try to photograph bigger shapes as the shapes I have taken in very small. I would also try to take photographs containing multiple different shapes and different depths. I would also experiment with changing angle  the lighting and changing the height of the lighting to try and show off the shape more.

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