Tuesday 20 October 2015

Work Diary- Reflection

In today's lesson we were tasked with taking photos of reflection. This was hard because many of the images I found on the internet were either reflected in a puddle or in sunglasses however neither of these were available as it hadn't rained recently and I didn't have any sunglasses on me so many of the photographs I took were of the reflection in the shop window. I found this quite hard becuse a lot of the shop windows were similar and showed the same thing meaning that I had to find new and and different ways in which to show the reflecion.

Below is a picture from the shoot that I like.
Camera Setting - 1/125 sec f/5.6 ISO 100

I like this photo because it really shows off the reflection and i like this photo because both the subject and the reflection both feature in the photograph. I am going to pick this image to go in my straight images but I am going to edit it so only the red sign is in colour and everything else is in black and white as I feel this will really make the reflection pop. I like this image also because it is very simple and is of something that most people wouldn't notice in everyday life so this makes the photo stand out even more.

Below is a photo from the shoot that I don't like.

I don't like this photo because the reflection in the photo isn't clear and does t really show exactly what the reflection is because of how blurry it is and that is why I don't like this photo because of how unclear the reflection is. This photo would have looked better if I changed the focus of the picture to look at the reflection and really show off the reflection .


If I were to go out on location and shoot reflection again I would try to look at different angle. I would also try to find different reflections than just shop windows. I would also put my lens in to manual focus and change the focus point to the reflection rather than the object that is reflecting the image. I would also try to create my own puddles in order to show the reflection with in them.

1 comment:

  1. agood post but try now to use camera settings as a way of explaining how your photographs look.
