Thursday 8 October 2015

Work Diary - Studio Tone

HIn Thursday's lesson we were asked to photograph tone in the studio. We were asked to bring in objects to photograph, I did bring and object in however I decided not to photograph it as I didn't think  that it showed tone that well. I decided that tone was easier to see on the human form so that is what I decided to photograph. I used some objects from in the studio to get different tones in the photgraphs however I still felt that the best photos where just of the person on there own. I also find taking photographs of people more interesting and I feel that during this activity it was better for me to take photos of people as taking photos of the object would have bored me. 

Below is one photo that I really like. 

Camera Settings - 1/60 sec f/5.6 ISO 160 

I like this photo because it show off multiple different tones and when I edited it I was able to draw out the tone and really show off all the different tones. I liked taking these photos because I was able to move and angle the light source and in this photo I manipulated the light source and angled it so that it was pointing up at the face of the subject. I did this to create tone on his shirt along with his face this created multiple different tones. These angle of the light gave darker tones towards the top of the photo but also to the left hand side of his body, this is because of the angle he is standing at. 

Below is a photo from the shoot that I don't like.
I don't like this photograph because I do not feel that it show that much tone. On his face there is a straight line which changes the photo from light to dark so I do not feel that this would show off many different tones. When taking this photo I didn't realise the lack of tones in the photograph as I was too busy focusing on the composition of the shot, I feel like if I had stepped back and thought about the different tones in the photograph maybe I could have changed the angle of the light or the height of the light I feel with these small changes this photo could have looked a lot better.
If I were to go in to the studio again and shoot tone I would look more at the angle and height of the light source. I would also spend more time actually looking at the different tones that would feature within the photograph, this will mean that I don't end up taking lots and lots of photographs that I can't  use because they don't look right or don't have enough different tones in it. If I did this then it would mean that I can change the light source and make the picture better. 

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