Tuesday 13 October 2015

Work Diary - Shape

In todays lesson we were tasked with shooting shape. I found this easy to understand as it was explained in detail and it was easy to come up with ideas of what to photograph. I found that this was one of the easier topics and I was able to instantly see all the different shapes and how to photograph them. For this shoot I experimented with my camera and tried it in manual focus as a way in which to get a better focus that showed off the shape more.

Below is a photo from the shoot that I like 
Camera Settings - 1/400 sec f/11 ISO 400 

I like this photo because there is a lot going on yet the shape of the cone is the main focus of the picture, the shape of the cone and the colour of it really stands out against the busy background. The shape of the cone is clear and well formed and this means that the main focus of the photo remains the main focus of the photo and allows the shape of the cone to be seen

Below is a photo from the shoot that I didn't like

I don't like this photo that much because it doesn't show of the true shape of the photo. The photo is of the inside of a pyramid but this photo doesn't show off the actual shape of the ceiling, I don't think this photo would work because it doesn't really show off the 3D nature of the subject.


If I was to go out and shot shape again I would go into a more built up area and try to take the different shapes of buildings and the different shapes created by the building. I would also look at different sized objects as I didn't photograph small objects so this is something that i would like to take as well as shoot in the studio.

1 comment:

  1. overall, good, please revise spelling also, if you would like to revisit the post again and work with a macro lens, perhaps this can be arranged, please discuss with me... If I was to go in the studio and snooty shape again I would try to photograph bigger shapes as the shapes I have taken in very small. I would also try to take photographs containing multiple different shapes and different depths. I would also experiment with changing angle the lighting and changing the height of the lighting to try and show off the shape more.
