Thursday 22 October 2015

Work Diary - Reflection in a frame

In todays lesson we were tasked with manipulating the reflection in frames. I found this hard as there weren't many instructions left so therefore I found it hard to understand exactly what I was expected to do. Therefore I asked my friend Tom who is doing A2 photography now and he helped me to come up with ideas of how to show this and showed me how to edit them. It was really useful to have Tom there as he was able to really help me and show me how to make each photo work.

Below is an edited photo from the shoot that I like.
Camera Settings - 1/125 sec f/5.6 ISO 140

I like this photo because even though it is 2 separate photos edited to get the desired effect, I really like them, they give the idea of a distorted reality because he appears to be taking a selfie yet it is of the back of his head. It took me a while together the photo the right size to fit in the phone. This photo took a lot of time to get right because he wasn't allowed to move yet I had to get the camera in right place to make it look like he was taking the picture as a selfie. I really enjoyed creating this photo because I spent a long time looking at the composition of the photograph and looking at how the photo would be taken. 

Below is a photo from the shoot that I don't like

I don't like this photo because I feel like it didn't show off the reflection that was actually there in the 
mirror. I also feel like it isn't really in focus and isn't one of the best photos I have taken. I don't really 
see the reflection in the photo as well I did when I was looking at the photo. The  photo would have 
shown more reflection if I had changed the angle at which I was taking the photo and looked more at the composition of the photo.


If I were to go out and do this shoot again I would try and do the image within a image with different people. For example have a boy holding the phone but then put a photo of a girl in it and different things like that. I would also look at making the photos more complex such as having more than one person in them and more than one mirror in the photo to really get lots of editing involved. I would also look at the different ways in which to show this other than just a mirror and a phone as I think this would give a different view to the photo. 

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