Tuesday 13 October 2015

Definition Post- Shape

Dictionary Definition- the external form, contours, or outline of someone or something.

Definition- a shape is an area enclosed by a line. It could be just an outline or it could or it could be shaded in. It could be geometric or irregular. Shapes created in the space between shapes are referred to as negative space.

Describing Words


This image use geometric shapes in order to show shape it allows you to see the shape. The photo also shows of a geometric shape you the top of the building to show off a shape in the sky. This picture uses either squares or rectangles in order to to show of shape the best. 

This images uses the spiral of the stair case as a way to show of the shape of the stair case the angle of the photo really shows off the shape of the object that you wouldn't normally focus on and wouldn't normally look at . It uses as man-made geometric shape.

This photo uses multiple geometric shape to show off the shape of the poles it also uses the different lengths of the poles. The poles use black in the middle of them to add depth to the photo and really show of the shape of the pole as part of it is in the dark. 
This photo uses shadows as a way in which to show off the shape of the animal. It also uses the natural base of a leaf to keep the theme of nature running through opt he whole photograph. The photo uses the shadow really well because even though you can't see what the animal is you know what the animal is, even with the lack of colour.

Personal Defintion - the outline of a object, either geometric or irregular, that is joined at both ends

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