Tuesday 13 October 2015

Bill Brandt Research

Write an account of how you respond to this image and its connotations. Is this art or sexual objectification?

Brand is associated with representing the body as a landscape or an abstract  geometric form. Working often with the female form, he is also creating images within a sexualised context in much the same was as a classical sculptor portrays a nude. The picture could be considered as both art and as sexual objectification. I think that it could be considered as art because it has been constructed to show exactly what needs to be shown and has been heavily edited to create the exact feeling that Bill Brandt wished to portray. However it could also be considered as sexual objectification as it is just of the womans legs and doesn't show her face or anything that would give her meaning as far as the viewer is concerned the woman in the photo is just a pair of legs and the fact the nothing else of the shown suggests that she doesn't matter and is just another object in the photograph. it can be interpreted in either way, I look at the photo as a piece of art because I am a photography student and this is how every photo must be looked at however if someone with no knowledge of art or photograph looked at this photo they may look at it as the women has been sexually objectified. The image uses negative semantic space at the top right hand corner of the photo and i feel that this has been used to really show of the light tone of skin on her knee just below it. The different tones in this photo really makes the legs stand out and this may also contribute to a person feeling that in this image the woman is being sexually objectified. 

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