Tuesday 6 October 2015

Defintion Post - Tone

Refers to the lightness or darkness of something. This could be a shade or how dark or light a colour appears 

Ganut- Range (black and white) 

Dictionary Definition 
lightness, brightness or value of a patch in a photograph: dark tones correspond to shadows, light tones correspond to bright or highlight areas.

Describing Words 

In this photo the natural light from the sun has been used to highlight the different tones in the photograph. The natural lights also shows tone through the shadows created from tree branches

The tone in this photo is very light and means that the detail can be seen clearly. If the photo was dark it wouldn't work because the detail wouldn't be seen as well.

This photo uses tone to highlight the base of the eiffel tower and the lack of natural light means that the artificial light is well used to really make the different tones of the eiffel tower stand out. 

This tone is very different to the other tone photographs because it uses light tones to really show off all of the detail on the leaf and the detail of the water droplets. 

Personal Definition - how light or dark a picture is.

1 comment:

  1. some very good images, just two points to mention Ganut = Gamut and the Eiffel tower image was most likely created using filters and a vignette which make the blue of the sky in when converted to black and white much darker than how the human eye sees it, this then creates contrast with the sky..
