Tuesday 13 October 2015

Image Bank- Shape

This image uses negative semantic space to really highlight the different objects and the different shapes of each of them. The fact that all the objects are white really shows their shape off against the black background. The objects have been well placed because none of them are touching but they all feature enough in the photograph for the person to understand exactly what is in the photo. Most photos use the dark as a way in which to really show off the shape of the object however this photo is the other way round.

The black and white in this photo really shows off the different shapes of every finger and by using a lighter background it makes the fingers stand out because they are darker than the background. the darker shading on the underside of the fingers allows the fingers to have a 3D shape rather than just looking 2D and the darker shades also adds different tones to the photos.  

This shape is naturally occurring and the depth used within the photo show off the pattern of the shape. The use off a different colour in the background makes the bleeding hearts stand out and really helps to show off the shape. The blurry background also helps the hear shape stand out because the shape in clear. The shape is extremely clear and this really helps to show off the shape and all of the tiny details on the shape.

In this photo the background is in colour and negative semantic space has been used to show the outline  of the shape well. The background has been blurred to really show of the shape within the photo. I like this photo because it is just the outline of the shape rather than having it shaded in, I think this allows the background to be brought into the photograph and means that the whole photo is incorporated into the photo.

I like this photo because it visualises what exactly what each body type look like. It uses the shape of each object that each body type is named after to. This uses the idea of visualisation as a way to show exactly what it means. I like this photo because shape is well uses and really highlights exactly what the photo is trying to show. 

I like this photo because it uses both tone and shape to show of the different shape of the starfish. the different shades of blue really made the starfish standout. The contrast in shape really makes that starfish standout. The placement of the starfish means that it is in the centre of attention in the photograph.

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