Thursday 22 October 2015

Reflection within frame - Straight Images

Contact Sheet - Reflection in frame

Work Diary - Reflection in a frame

In todays lesson we were tasked with manipulating the reflection in frames. I found this hard as there weren't many instructions left so therefore I found it hard to understand exactly what I was expected to do. Therefore I asked my friend Tom who is doing A2 photography now and he helped me to come up with ideas of how to show this and showed me how to edit them. It was really useful to have Tom there as he was able to really help me and show me how to make each photo work.

Below is an edited photo from the shoot that I like.
Camera Settings - 1/125 sec f/5.6 ISO 140

I like this photo because even though it is 2 separate photos edited to get the desired effect, I really like them, they give the idea of a distorted reality because he appears to be taking a selfie yet it is of the back of his head. It took me a while together the photo the right size to fit in the phone. This photo took a lot of time to get right because he wasn't allowed to move yet I had to get the camera in right place to make it look like he was taking the picture as a selfie. I really enjoyed creating this photo because I spent a long time looking at the composition of the photograph and looking at how the photo would be taken. 

Below is a photo from the shoot that I don't like

I don't like this photo because I feel like it didn't show off the reflection that was actually there in the 
mirror. I also feel like it isn't really in focus and isn't one of the best photos I have taken. I don't really 
see the reflection in the photo as well I did when I was looking at the photo. The  photo would have 
shown more reflection if I had changed the angle at which I was taking the photo and looked more at the composition of the photo.


If I were to go out and do this shoot again I would try and do the image within a image with different people. For example have a boy holding the phone but then put a photo of a girl in it and different things like that. I would also look at making the photos more complex such as having more than one person in them and more than one mirror in the photo to really get lots of editing involved. I would also look at the different ways in which to show this other than just a mirror and a phone as I think this would give a different view to the photo. 

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Straight Images - Reflection

Contact Sheet - Reflection

I shared my camera with George so some of the following photos are his.

Work Diary- Reflection

In today's lesson we were tasked with taking photos of reflection. This was hard because many of the images I found on the internet were either reflected in a puddle or in sunglasses however neither of these were available as it hadn't rained recently and I didn't have any sunglasses on me so many of the photographs I took were of the reflection in the shop window. I found this quite hard becuse a lot of the shop windows were similar and showed the same thing meaning that I had to find new and and different ways in which to show the reflecion.

Below is a picture from the shoot that I like.
Camera Setting - 1/125 sec f/5.6 ISO 100

I like this photo because it really shows off the reflection and i like this photo because both the subject and the reflection both feature in the photograph. I am going to pick this image to go in my straight images but I am going to edit it so only the red sign is in colour and everything else is in black and white as I feel this will really make the reflection pop. I like this image also because it is very simple and is of something that most people wouldn't notice in everyday life so this makes the photo stand out even more.

Below is a photo from the shoot that I don't like.

I don't like this photo because the reflection in the photo isn't clear and does t really show exactly what the reflection is because of how blurry it is and that is why I don't like this photo because of how unclear the reflection is. This photo would have looked better if I changed the focus of the picture to look at the reflection and really show off the reflection .


If I were to go out on location and shoot reflection again I would try to look at different angle. I would also try to find different reflections than just shop windows. I would also put my lens in to manual focus and change the focus point to the reflection rather than the object that is reflecting the image. I would also try to create my own puddles in order to show the reflection with in them.

Image Bank - Reflection

I like both of the photos featured above. I like the use of the puddles as a way to show reflection. In the  top photo I like the fact the the relocation has been kept in the puddle but then only the shoes are where the reflection is coming from. I really like this technique and think it is really clever. I like the fact the shoes have been placed in exactly the right position of there shadows. I like the top photo because it is a really different way in which to show off the reflection in the photo. I also really like the second photo because the reflection is exactly what we can see at the top of the boy. I slanted angle of the photo has been well used because it has been taken at this angle to really show off the relocation and get it at the angle where the reflection is at the exact angle of the body that is on show in the picture . 

I like this photo because it is very simple and clear. The base of the photo is very simple and really allows the reflection of the sky to be show. I like the fact that the reflection is clear yet the background is blurry and unclear. The photo looks like it has been taken through the glass as a way in which to make the colours clearer and as a way to really enhance the image. The image would be really simple to recreated and makes a really nice clear image. 

I like this image because the reflection is just a straight reflection of what the mirror can see the reflection is very simple and clear straight. The mirror is well placed in the mirror because it is hiding her body and the reflection makes it look almost like you are looking straight through her. It is as if the picture is an optical illusion. I really like this image and would like to try and create something like this in the studio maybe. 

I like this image because the relocation has been manipulated to be in colour and really shows off the reflection and the detail in the reflection.  I like photos that contain colour manipulation because I think that it really shows the detail of the clouds and the different colours make it stand out. The back and white background really helps the different colours stand out and show exactly what the image is trying to show. 

I put this image in my image bank because it is clear and shows a clear reflection of the building and everything around it. The fact that the colours all transfer into the reflection really shows off the detail on the reflection and how well each bit has reflected in to the water and the reflection is clear and crisp which is extremely clear and well presented.

Definition Post - Reflection

Definition - The throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat or sound without absorbing it. 
Dictionary Definition - An amount of light, heat, or sound that is reflected by a body or surface.
Describing Words - 

In this photo the image its is a straight relocation caused by the light. the photo is very simple and the reflection of the man adds depth to the image and gives the viewer something else to look at within the photograph.

In this photo the refection from the glasses is actually showing the photo. What is being reflected isn't in the photograph and the relocation is well used to show both the surroundings and the couple in the reflection. 

In this photo the line of flamingos are clearly reflected in the water and the colour helps show off how clear the reflection is. This photo also uses lines to help show off the reflection of the birds and the reflection is very clear because of how well the legs merge into one. 

I like this image because the reflection is clear through out the whole of the picture and allows you to clear see the whole picture upside down. The reflection is so clear that the photo could be placed upside down and still look tyne right way up. 

Personal Definition- a mirror image shown through light hitting an object.

Vivian Maier Research

In my opinion her work should be considered art because it is a different style of photography where the artist is featured in the photo which had never been seen before. It is art because the reflection add to the photo and in the top one it makes the subject stand out and even though at first you attention is drawn to the fact that she is in the photo after that you are instantly drawn to the subject of the photograph. I like these photos as the reflection really adds to the photo and gives the photo some depth. I think she has included herself in some of her photos to try and get people looking natural and not posing for the camera. I really like photos like this because these are the types of photos that I like to take, natural photos where people don't know they are the subject of the photo so therefore don't pose for the photo.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Straight Images- Studio Shape

Contact Sheet- Studio Shape

Work Diary - Studio Shape

In Tuesdays afternoon lesson we were asked to bring in something to take shape photos of in the studio. So in todays lesson I took the photos in the studio. i was originally going to take photos of a ring however this developed into trying to find different ways in which to photograph the rings and other things that came with the ring. 

Below is one photo from the shoot that I liked.
Camera Settings - 1/80 sec f/5.6 ISO 100 

I like this photo because it really shows off the shape of the bow and all the different curves and and shape of the bow ears. I like this photo because it really shows off the shape of the knot in the middle of the bow. I like this photo because the shadow adds to the shape of the bow and makes the shape appear 3D even though the picture is 2D. 

Below is a photo from the shoot that I don't like.

I dont like this photo because the actual shape is not in focus or completely in the frame of the photo. I really liked the photo but i can not use it because it is out of focus and the shape that I was trying to photograph isn't completely in the shot. I also don't think that this angle really did show off the shape of the ring very well. 


If I was to go in the studio and snooty shape again I would try to photograph bigger shapes as the shapes I have taken in very small. I would also try to take photographs containing multiple different shapes and different depths. I would also experiment with changing angle  the lighting and changing the height of the lighting to try and show off the shape more.