Tuesday 22 September 2015

Work Diary - Texture

In Tuesdays lesson, the class were tasked with photographing texture however at the time I was ill so I had to complete it at home, therefore many of my texture photos are obscure and different to the kind of things that I could have taken at college as I had to focus on things that could be found inside my house. This made photographing texture extra hard, I also didn't have a very good understanding of what texture was so at the beginning  struggled with exactly what to photograph however once my teacher had emailed me the powerpoint I had a better understanding of what texture was and was able to photograph texture. I struggled with texture purely because I was limited to what I could take photos of incise my house. 

Below is one photo that I took that I do like 

Camera Setting - 1/60 sec f/5.6 ISO 720

I like this photo because it show of multiple different textures. The photo is of a bathmat at shows the overall texture of the bathmat and but it also shows of the texture of every little bump within the photo. When I took this photo I only meant to capture the overall texture of the bathmat and didn't really think about the texture of the material featured within the the bathmat. I like this picture because it is such a simple thing that no one really takes any notice of yet it has a complex and interesting texture. I like the angle at which I took the photograph because it highlights the texture of each little bump very well and allows the person viewing the photo to really see the texture of the bathmat, this photo would not work as well if it was taken from the front, you wouldn't get the same features of texture within the photo at the texture of each numb would not be shown. 

Below is a picture from the shoot that I do not like

I don't like this photo because the texture that it is supposed to be showing has not come out well and isn't really being shown within the photography. I feel like the reason that this photo didn't work because of the lack of colour and depth within the photo, it is very flat and doesn't really show off mud texture as the photo is blurred as it gets towards the back of the photo. I also don't like this photo because it doesn't do justice to the kind of texture that really featured on the cushion when I took it. I tried taking this photo from different angles and tried rubbing the cushion to change the texture of it but no matter what I tried it never quite came out how I wanted it to this is why this photo is the on that I don't like. 


If I were to reshoot texture I would like to shoot outside as I didn't get a chance too during this shoot due to me being ill. I think texture is a really good element to feature in you photos to give it depth and feeling as it will give the viewer a deeper idea of what the subject of the photograph would feel like and what it would be like if the subject of the photo was in front of them and they could reach out and touch it. I think that now I have a better idea of texture at the way in which to shoot it if you want to show texture the best. 

 A Basket Weave
A Chain 
Tiles on a Roof 
 A Drain Cover
Sand Dunes

1 comment:

  1. if you wish to revisit this section by shooting on the studio we might be able to arrange this for you... either before or after christmas, you will need to bring in interesting objects...
