Tuesday 15 September 2015

Work Diary - Colour

On Tuesday's Morning lesson we were given a brief to take photos of colour. At first I thought this task would be easier however it was harder than I thought it would be. It was hard trying to find background colours that really showed of the colour of the main subject, I also spent a lot of time looking for both examples of complementary colours and analogous colours. Once I had a good idea of the kind of photos I could take it became easier and easier to find photos to take. I tried to take the photos from different angles and from varying amount of zoom, however with some of the photos I was very  restricted on the angle and zoom that I could use. After taking the photos I used photoshop to edit the photos and in one photo edited it so that only the key colours featured in the photo were in colour and the rest of the photo was in black and white.

Below is that photo

Camera Setting - 1/125 sec f/5.6 ISO 250

I like this photo because the colours are very vibrant and bright. I also like the contrast of the the blue nails compared to the orange of the Fanta bottle. The contrast of the colour helps make both of them stand out and the use of black and white for the rest of the photo helps them to stand out even more. I really enjoyed learning how to edit this photo, it did take me a while to complete it however I put this down to not really knowing what I was doing, I think that if I do this more and more I will become quicker and therefore the technique will become better. 

Here is one of the pictures from my shoot that I didn't like. 

I don't like this photo as the main subject of the photo is not completely in the photo as some of it is missing of the bottom of the photograph. I also don't think that there is a lot of colours shown within the photograph as it is purely just blue on a brown background. I don't think this really shows colour and it doesn't show the whole of the subject. I could have made this photo better by moving the camera down further to include the whole of the subject of the photo. Also I would have looked at the angle of the photo. I would also get down on more of an equal level with the subject of the photo to make sure that the whole of the subject in the photograph. I feel that the picture would have been better if the the photograph had more colour in it rather than just the two basic colours that feature in it now.  


If I were to go out and shoot colour again I would look at the amount of different colours that were to feature in the photograph and see if it will make a good photo. I would also look for more photographs that I could take that feature both complementary and analogous colours as I feel that I didn't get enough photographs that features these types of colours. I would also look for more subject of different shapes as I have noticed that many my photos tend to feature just one main colour with a few other colours in the background. 

Below are some photos that inspire me 

Food Colouring Dispersing in Water  

 Complementary Colours 
 Complementary Colours 
 Analogous Colours
Analogous Colours

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