Tuesday 29 September 2015

Image Bank - Form

I like this photo because it clearly shows form and shows the form of the pen from the nib all the way to the top of the photo. I like how the nib of the pen is in focus but the rest of the photo is blurred. I like this photo because it clearly shows form. I think that the use of black and white really helps show off the form in the photo and really helps to make the form within the photographs helps show off the form, and the fact that you can see a shadow with in the photo helps to show the form  and adds to the depth of the photograph and shows form well. 

I chose this photo to be in my image bank because I really feel that the it shows form very clearly. You can clearly see the shape of the chess pieces showing off their form very well. Another reason I like this photo is because even though the pieces in the background are blurred you can still clearly see their form allowing you to appreciate them as well. I think this photo looks good in black and white and means that the different tones within the photo can also be well seen.   

I really like this photograph because I like how you can see the form of the human being through the shadow while not having the actual human being in the photograph, this is a really good photo for showing the main parts of the human body. I like this photo and this is an editing technique that I would like to learn how to do as I think this is a very clever photo. 

I like this photo because it clearly shows the form of fingers and the detail of the fingers. I also like the different shading and how it really shows the different features of the of the fingers. The use of black and white on this photos shows the real detail in the fingers and allows the real detail of each finger, and the black on the white highlights this. 

I like this photo because of the form is repeated and shows clear shape and clear tone. I think this photo is extremely clever and the form is clear. This photo show both the form of the human and the form of the skateboard. The use of the shadow shows of the form very well and in this photo the use of colour adds to the photo and really helps to show the form off well. 

I like this photo because there is a clear and precise form. The form stands and shows depth and give the photo a 3D effect. The 3D effect really shows off the form and of the shell and so do the lines on the shell all these features help show off the form of the photo and really allows the viewer to see the detail and true shape of the shell.

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