Tuesday 29 September 2015

Work Diary - Form

In todays lessons we were tasked with photographing form. I found this hard as I didn't really understand what I was supposed to be photographing however when I went out and began photographing, it became slightly easier as time went on, however this is still the hardest topic we have had so far, I think that this maybe one of the hardest topics during this unit as I struggled to understand exactly what form is. 

Below is one of the photographs from the shot that I like. 

Camera Setting - 1/200 sec f/7.1 ISO 100

I like this photograph because it is a very natural photograph and I like the photos where people aren't looking directly at the camera. I also like this photo because it shows lots of different forms such as the form of the man, the guitar and the wall. I also like this photo because I think that it shows many different colours that also helps add to the showing of the form in the photographs.

Below is a photo that I don't like from the shoot 

I don't like this photo because I don't think it shows form well and I don't like watch the photo is off. The angle of the photograph isn't how I would like it to be I would like it to be closer and from a more diagonal angle to show of the true form of both the bird on top of the lamp post but also of the lamp post itself. I would also edit the photo and make it black and white to really show of the form featured in the photo.


If I were to shoot form again I would focus more on getting the photos from good angles and  making sure I was close enough to the subject of the photograph to really show off the form of the subject.  I would also attempt to take photos that would show form well in colour as I don't feel I took many photos this week that looked good in colour.

Pencil Shaving

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