Thursday 10 September 2015

Image Bank- Line

I like this image because the lines are clearly defined and guide your eyes to a specific point with in the picture. I think that the bird is one the line and is giving the picture more shape and depth. The lines in the photo are clear and give the viewer a line to follow. The angle of the lines instantly make you eyes go to the bottom right hand corner of the photograph and follow the lines up to the top left hand side of the photo making your way to the bird which is the subject of the photo. 

I choose both of these images as they lead your to a specific point with in the picture. The lines lead your eyes to the main subject of the photo and keep your focus on the subject of the photo and the lines stop your eyes from deviating of the intended path. In the second picture there are multiple different lines such as the lines in the field, the lines of the tress and the lines created by the clouds in the sky.  I like the use of multiple lines to create an effect as the viewer is drawn in the picture as the lines in the field and clouds draw your eyes straight to the back of the photograph, these lines are like leading line leading your eyes to the back of the image and getting you to the main focus point of the image. 

I like both of these photos as they contain different lines with in them and continue to show direction. I like the use of black and white in the photo to emphasise the different shades within the photo. I chose the photos of the doors because the editing used as it shows the different lines well and and emphasises the direction of the lines and helps to show the different lines featured on the red of the image. I like that both the images feature multiple lines and both show direction. 

I like this photograph because the line from the pole create a tunnel and all the lines draw the viewers eyes to the pole in the middle of the picture. The use of the black and white works well with in the photograph as the lack of colour in the photograph means that the viewers attention is not diverted by the colour and all their attention is kept on the main subject of the photograph, the telegraph pole. The fact that the lines come from all angles helps create the tunnel effect and means that no matter where your eyes are first drawn to you eyes always end up in the same place, the middle of the picture. 

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