Thursday 10 September 2015

Work Diary - Line

During Thursday Afternoon's Lesson I was tasked with shooting photograph's of line. I really enjoyed being given the chance to really explore the topic and understand everything I could take to complete the topic that we had been given for the day. I discovered that almost everything has lines within it, even things which I had never really taken the time to look at. It was hard at first to find them but once I got the hang of it, it became easier and easier to spot lines and photograph them. 

Below is an image that I do like 

Camera Setting - 1/160 sec, f/6.3 ISO 100

I like this image the lines are both vertical and horizontal. This shows direction and gives the viewer different parts of the photo where their eyes are instantly directed to. The different shades from the brick give the photo some colour along with the moss featured within the lines of the bricks. I like this image because your eyes are drawn to where the lines begin, in the bottom left hand corner of the photo, and follow the both the vertical and horizontal lines all the way up to the top right hand corner of the photo. 

Below is an image that I don't like 

I don't like this photo because the composition of the photo is bad and the edge the arc which goes over the path can be seen and I feel like this is a weak photo. If I was to take the photo again I would get down lower and try to get rid of the outside of the arc. I think that by getting down on a lower level the picture would look better and then the line would become clearer. Another reason why I don't like this photograph is because it is not straight and I feel that this is photo would have looked better if my camera had been on a tripod as the photo would be straight and therefore the line would look better within the photo.


If I were to go out and shoot lines again I would focus more on the angle that I was shooting from and look more at the composition of the photo making sure that the line is the main focus of the photo. I would also make sure there are no unnecessary things within my photos such as the outside of the arc that features in the one above. Using lines will help in the composition of my photograph and aid me in create the most captivating photographs. Be able to use lines in my photography will help me as lines can draw the viewer in and keep their attention and take them straight to the main subject of my photograph. 

Below are some images that inspire me 

A path 
A Driveway 
Inside of a Pylon
A Washing Line

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