Tuesday 29 September 2015

Definition Post - Form

Form is a three dimensional shape - cube, sphere
Sculpture and 3D design are about creating forms. 
In 2D artworks, tone and perspective can be used to create and illusion of form 

Dictionary Definition 
the shape of a thing or person.

Describe Words for Form 

Natural light and colour - the natural light in this photo helps its form to be clearly seen and the lack of colour, black and white, also helps to show the form of the photo. 

The use of  light and shadows has helped to show the form of the photo, if light that was too strong was used in the photo then all of the toes would not be seen and the form wouldn't be seen. 

The use of colour in the background has  been well used as it helps to show off the form and gives the photo depth and the different tones of the colour help to show of the form well.
Having the main focus point in the middle of the photo helps show form because to viewers eyes are instantly drawn to shape of the photo and how the form has been photographed

Personal Defintion - how an object is seen as 3D due to the shadows and different lighting. 

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